Fusion3 EDGE 3D Printer
Large build volume
High temperature materials
Fiber-filled material ready
150+ material options
Made in the USA
In the real world, some problems are bigger than a typical 3D printer’s bed.
EDGE enables you to tackle large projects with ease, by printing large parts in one (or fewer) pieces or printing multiple smaller parts at once.
- 14.5″x14.5″x13.5″ (367x367x342mm) build volume
- Largest horizontal build area in its class
- Still fits through a standard (36″) doorway

Out of the box, EDGE is capable of printing carbon fiber, glass fiber, & kevlar-filled variants of all materials.
- 0.6, 0.8mm nozzle size options for more reliable printing with high fiber content
- ANVIL print head tubes are low cost, easy to replace if damaged
- ANVIL tubes are abrasive resistant
- Build volume components are precision milled metal that can withstand high temperatures
High-performance thermoplastics are one of the keys to enabling 3D printers to solve more problems in your business. These engineering-grade materials can be challenging for consumer 3D printers to print because they require higher temperatures and better control over the build environment.
Print high temperature materials including PC, PC-PBT, ABS, & Nylons with ease
Print fiber-filled (CF, GF) materials out-of-the-box
150+ material options so you have the perfect fit for every application
Open materials philosophy = no vendor lock-in
EDGE delivers unparalleled performance with materials such as ABS, PC, ASA, and Nylons thanks to it’s ability to reach the correct temperatures for these materials:
- 315C print head
- 145C bed
- Fully enclosed build chamber with controlled airflow through filter
- Passively heated chamber that maintains a max temp of 70C
Our favorite high-temperature materials include:
- Pure polycarbonate (Tg 140C) (“easy print” variants mixed with other plastics need not apply)
- PC-PBT (Tg 120C)
- ABS (Tg 105C)
- ASA (Tg 100C)

EDGE is a powerful general-purpose tool with a plethora of configurations and options.
Multiple Nozzle Sizes
Versatile Print Surfaces
Secure Variant
We recognize the importance of security in our modern world. If you need 3D printing capability in classified or secure environments, EDGE’s Secure variant delivers. This variant has no radios of any kind (bluetooth, wifi, etc) on board to minimize the attack surface available to hostile actors.
Stack Light for Status-at-a-Glance
Our optional stack light allows you to see the status of your EDGE printer from across the room. Is it running, does it need attention, or is it ready for another print job? For folks who run fleets of printers, this time saving device can be invaluable. The stack light has a magnetic base and extra-long cord for flexibility.
Filament Dryer
For long prints in moisture-sensitive materials, or for locations with poor humidity control, the filament bay dryer can slow down the rate of moisture absorption while rolls of filament are in the filament bay. This can reduce (but not eliminate!) the need to frequently dry the filament and improve your print quality/consistency.
Printer Cart
Standalone Filament Dryer Oven
All thermoplastics will absorb moisture from the air, and this moisture will negatively impact your print quality. The most reliable way to remove this moisture and control your print quality is to dry the material before use. A standalone filament drying oven is an effective solution to wet filament issues.
The world isn’t getting any easier to navigate in terms of infosec, intellectual property management, and digital threats from state and nonstate actors. EDGE is designed with your business, government, or military security needs in mind:
- Made in USA
- Section 889 compliant
- TAA compliant
- “Secure” variant with no radios & USB lock
- Software does not “phone home” or required internet connection
- Local network connection is optional
EDGE is equally at home on the machine shop floor or in your office.
- Fully enclosed to control heat, fumes, smell, protection from hot surfaces & moving components, & protect the build environment from dust
- Door interlock automatically pauses print if door is opened
- Optional HEPA + carbon filter for print chamber exhaust
- 37.5 dB during operation